Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 01.

 Today I decided, why not? I'll create a blog to share my daily experiences with you. But I of course needed to add a little razzle dazzle. I made the background, the fonts, and the colors totally me. Your Beauty Guru has taken off to many different countries recently, that's so amazing! But, I'm not here to talk about Your Beauty Guru, am I?

Lets begin on my day!

   I woke up really early this morning. Usually, since I'm on summer vacation, I stay up really late and wake up in the morning really late too. But not today. And today happens to be the day I'm extremely tired! For what you may ask? To do chores! Ugh. But whatever, I'm getting paid I guess.

Then about an hour later, I decided to watch some of the 80's Berenstain Bears. Hey! Don't judge. I only watched like one. :P  Man, I really hope they hurry up with the translation for the new Sailor Moon anime. We have to wait one  wait, two years to watch like the greatest anime of all time. Well, it's worth it I guess.

My brother had a little pool party to attend, so we dropped him off then my Mom and I were off to do a little shopping. No, not the exciting Forever 21 shopping spree... A WalMart one. Boring! I prefer Target, only because well... I just do!

So we had a lot of things to get because, tomorrow, we have a block party. I invited all my friends, all of them said they shall come. Woohoo! Heh, not really. Then we headed over to Gamestop. I traded in some games my brother asked me to trade in for him. Being the nice sister I am I sad sure, (not really, I just wanted to buy some things :P) Can you believe we got like $194.99 for like 23 XBOX games? Woah...

So I bought a 3DS game and a DS game.  Does anyone actually still play the cute little handheld Nintendo systems? Just me?.... Okay...

Well, I think I'm going to get a snack so byeee!

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